Women leaving prison are given just £76 on their release and a bag with their possessions in.

Many have no home to go to.


 The UK government have recently pledged £70 million to provide investment in accommodation and support for people leaving prison, with a view to reducing reoffending. £20 million of this will be earmarked for temporary basic accommodation.  We see this as a step in the right direction but it will only provide homeless prison leavers with a maximum of 12 weeks accommodation.  This is why we are developing our ID Grace House UK project to provide women leaving prison with nowhere to go with accommodation for up to 2 years that will include training, mentoring and assistance into independent living as we believe that more than just accommodation is needed. 

Women frequently spend their time in prison getting off their dependence on drugs and alcohol only to end up in a hostel situation where these are rife. ID Grace House UK will provide women who would be otherwise homeless with a safe, caring environment to support them on their journey from prison to living independently in their communities.